Super Saiyan Mystic Gohan
Name: Mystic Gohan |
Gohan, along with his father and Vegeta travel off to find Babidi and stop Buu when the Supreme Kai finds them and begs for their help. The four warriors fly to Babidi’s spaceship and proceed to fight through all the stages before finally Supreme Kai blows up the ship in an attempt to destroy Buu before he can get all of his energy. This is where Vegeta is possessed and goes to fight Goku while it’s up to Gohan to fight Dabura and then afterwards Buu.Gohan gets his butt handed to him by Buu and is presumed dead by everyone on earth. They soon discover he is alive and he’s transported to the planet of the Kais where he is given the Z Sword. With this supposed sword, he should have the power to destroy Buu, but while practicing with the Sword, he breaks it into pieces releasing the Elder Kai.
Now more powerful than even Super Buu, Gohan fights the pink monster and almost defeats him, but is tricked by the Magical Beast and absorbed. It takes the combined effort of both Goku and Vegeta in their fused state to free him. After the Buu Saga Gohan retires to a peaceful life with his family until he is needed once more in Dragonball GT. | ||
Name: Super Saiyan Gohan |
In the Hyperbolic time chamber, Goku begins to train his son personally. During the whole training process, Gohan has doubts that he will ever become a Super Saiyan or even close to being as strong as his dad, but Goku continues to train him none the less. In order to achieve the Super Saiyan state, one has to become so angry and filled with rage that the energy derived from it puts them over the top.So during a duel between Goku and Gohan while training, Goku fires a Kamehameha at his son who meets it head on. He thinks back to all the times he let his friends down while fighting, whether is was the fight with Vegeta or on the Planet Namek. These thoughts entered his mind and plagued his heart to the point where he couldn’t hold them back. His rage exploded outwards and took the form of the Super Saiyan.
Gohan was the only Saiyan out of all the Saiyans to have the Super Saiyan state for only a few months before he achieved the next highest state of “Ascended Saiyan” or Super Saiyan level 2. Although Super Saiyan Level 2 is the highest state he ever achieves, excluding the Mystic state he achieves which really has absolutely nothing to do with a Super Saiyan. | ||
Name: Gohan |
At a very young age, Gohan proved to have the potential of being one of the greatest warriors ever to grace earth. Being only 4 years old he became more powerful than his father had been even at 3 times his age. Sensing his father was in danger during the fight with Raditz, Gohan broke free from his pod prison and attacked Raditz, his uncle, and raised his Power Level to over 700 where Goku’s had only been at 408.After this fight Gohan was taken away by Piccilo to be trained personally. But first, Piccilo left the boy out in the wilderness to just try and survive. Of course, this experience made him ten times stronger but not necessarily more brave as he chickened out throughout most of the fight with Nappa and the other Z fighters. Although, after Piccilo saved Gohan’s life by taking an energy blast from Nappa that was meant for Gohan, Gohan seemed to find the courage to become a real fighter.
This is the last time Gohan does anything worth while in the Dragonball Z series until he reaches his next form, Super Saiyan… | ||
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