Wednesday, August 26, 2009

About goku

Super Saiyan Goku SSJ3

Name: Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Aliases: SSJ3 Goku, SSJ2 Goku

Special Attacks/Abilities:
Kamehameha, Dragon Fist

According to the Manga series, Super Saiyan Level 3 is the highest level that can be attained or is the ultimate form of the Saiyan Race. Although it is never shown how Goku obtains this state it is first shown during the Buu saga when Goku confronts Buu to give Trunks more time to get the Dragon Radar.

With this new form, Goku’s strength exponentially increases. The downside to this new state is its Ki consumption. The state can only be held for a few minutes and the user’s speed goes down opposed to Super Saiyan Level 2 where speed increases (SSJ2 not Ascended Saiyan, the Ascended Saiyan state slows the user down).

Goku seems to hold his own against the fat form of Buu with no problem, but soon he teleports away as soon as Trunks gets ahold of the Dragon Radar.Because he used the SSJ3 state, Goku’s time on earth is reduced and he soon
has return to the spirit world. Strangely enough, Goku doesn’t use his SSJ3 state to defeat Buu but his original state, but in the Dragonball Z movie “Wrath of the Dragon” he does use his SSJ3 transformation to kill the monster Hildegard with a well placed Dragon Fist Explosion.

SSJ3 is deemed useless also in the DBGT saga or Dragonball Gt saga as not very far into the series Goku achieves the fourth level of Super Saiyan and SSJ3 is never used again.

Name: Goku

Aliases: Son Goku Gokuu
Special Attacks/Abilities:
Spirit Bomb, Oozaru Foum, Kamahameha, Instant Transmission

Goku is the principal character of the series Dragonball. He is the hero and the savior of the world more times than can be counted. Throughout the series Goku faces a multitude of adversaries including Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Buu. Yet each time he faces them, a good old Spirit Bomb usually clears them right up.

Trained at a very young age by his adoptive grandfather Gohan, Goku became extremely powerful throughout the series at even a very young age. Later, he was trained by the great Master Roshi who was the world’s strongest fighter at the time, then by God himself. His last official training received came from he great King Kai who taught Goku his most powerful attack, the Spirit Bomb. All training after this point was self taught.In Goku’s normal form he is capable of the strongest attacks he possesses. The bad side to this is that usually his body isn’t strong enough to fight in this form so it’s up to the other Z fighters or whoever is there at the time to occupy themselves with the villain or the enemy while Goku charges up for these attacks. He is married to Chi Chi and by the end of the Dragonball series has two sons, a grand daughter, and another great-great-grandson who is also named Goku.

Later on in the Dragonball GT series, Goku is wished to being a kid once more by Emperor Pilaf, a villain in the Dragonball series. In this form Goku can no longer turn into a Super Saiyan, or at least the first three stages. The only form that he is able to obtain is the final ultimate form of Super Saiyan Level 4 or SSJ4 for short. Goku finishes the entire series by eventually agreeing to go with Shenron when the Dragonballs disappear to lord knows where leaving all of his friends and family behind, a typical Goku action.

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